Gene Blishen

: Riding my bike home yesterday and a young man asked how I liked my ebike. So the conversation began. …

: My adult sons and families live a distance away (Northern BC and Denmark). I so appreciate text …

: Dickens has a way with words.

: NY Times article “Would You Pay to Attend a Wedding? As wedding costs continue to increase, …

: One of the workable solutions for calendars that hasn’t really been adopted in North America …

: Took this picture years ago in a UNHCR refugee campee camp in Eastern Ethiopia, close to the …

: Back in the city after being on Quadra Island for a week. Am really noticing the constant city …

: A morning view on Quadra Island. Spent a week there. Realized what silence was.

: Annual car insurance premium is due today. Having an ebike and not driving as much you wonder at the …

: Getting ready for a heatwave.

: How many lawyers does it take to craft an opinion; how many PR execs does it take to put out a press …

: The more one reads about the history of colonialism the more one sees certain powerful individuals …

: Artificial intelligence vs authentic or real intelligence? Given some of the international stories …

: If someone were to ask me what my current interests were I would have to condense it to one - …

: Love it when you start reading a book and run across word like ‘ghosteen’, lugubrious’, and …

: Rain again but then it is green and growing.

: The Globe & Mail has an article this morning on the U of T. Bias is bias.

: Beautiful Spsnish Banks this afternoonn at low tide.

: You can never push for change when so many fear the loss of their precious “security”. …

: Two of Helsinki’s most visited cathedrals will begin to charge an entrance fee beginning next month. …

: Want to read: The Big Green Tent by Ludmila Ulitskaya 📚

: Had not realized there are 35 seasons of The Simpsons.

: The robins and hummingbirds are back.

: Should be a different day. Dentist this morning and library meeting this afternoon with the …

: The Dandy Warhols have some new music out soon. The 3 pre releases are good, sort of oldish with the …

: Quickest way to speed up time is to spend it on socisl media.

: Whenever decision making occurs far from the physical work, where the bonds of humanity are weakened …

: Keep forgetting the usefulness of this platform. Simple, easy, and useful. Happy New Year!

: Just got from the library. Looks like a book you just can’t stop reading.

: Received some micro blog stickers from @jean What a wonderful surprise! Thx.

: “The cultural critic Raymond Williams argued that liberal democracy suffered from a peculiar blind …

: Wishing financial institutions would spend less money on marketing and more on making their product …

: “For in a way beset with those that contend on one side for too great liberty, and on the other side …

: Reading John Gray’s “The New Leviathan”. Be warned that you will start digging …

: Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope it is a day of peace, rest and reflection.

: Christmas Eve. It will be over in a minute.


: Only a few days left in Autumn and then longer daylight returns. What will winter bring?

: Israeli Local Council Head Calls to 'Flatten Gaza Like Auschwitz Today' in Radio Interview - Israel News - One wonders to what level will a human being will allow themselves to be in making statements like …

: Sufjan Stevens has a great new album out. History surrounding it is tough.

: “The Greeks would then have built a tomb for him; he would have won fame for his son. But now, …

: No other than T.S. Eliot introduced the word ‘bullshit’ into literature.

: Some excellent reasons on why to get an ebike.

: A very colourful day break.

: Currently reading: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman 📚

: Ganymede A man trades his son for horses. That’s the version I prefer. I like The safety of it, no one at …

: Love THE religion of Jesus makes the love-ethic central. This is no ordinary achievement. It seems clear …