A great album
#Stiil as young as ever.
Stiil as young as ever.
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw
And we now enter a four year span of this.
David Marks Shribman in the Literary Review of Canada - “Perhaps it’s whether we can mount an offensive for the truth in our discourse and in our politics, cease fighting about the strict definition of words, and make peace with the ambiguities and contradictions of life.” There needs to be an offensive for the truth.
All the Christmas ornamentation is up BUT this is the last year we are dragging out all those boxes. Post holidays is going to be a winnowing process with all this stuff.
Missed todays Micro.blog Analog Tools Meetup. Note to self - setup the alarm correctly by looking at the original notice of meeting. When you assume the time - it is going to be wrong. Have to wait until next year for the next meeting. sigh…
After a few years of having coffee Thursday morning at the same place we are going to be going to a new spot. Creatures of habit. One wonders why.
Sometimes there are these post Christmas blues you can’t prepare for.
The future is so endlessly fascinating. Try as we can, we’ll never outguess it. —Arthur C. Clarke, 1964
To add to not voting for big Tech, I didn’t vote for government bureaucrats either.
I voted in various elections for different levels of government. I don’t ever remember voting for big tech.
Listening to Pentangle - Sweet Child which came out in 1968 which is 56 years ago. Where did all that time go? It feels like I just played the record yesterday.
Am I dying? Yes, it is old age, steadily advancing, pushing that powerful moment closer. Perhaps it is the physical changes, at times tormenting us, stirring a deep longing for the return of youth.
James Baldwin once remarked that “love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”
“idolatry comes from the fact that, while thirsting for absolute good, we do not possess the power of supernatural attention, and we have not the patience to allow it to develop."
Excerpt from: "Love in the Void: Where God Finds Us" by Simone Weil.
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica. Look, how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins
The Merchant of Venice [V.i. 54-62].
Albert Camus called Simone Weil “the only great spirit of our time.” André Gide found her “the most truly spiritual writer of this century.” Her intense life and profound writings influenced people as diverse as T. S. Eliot, Charles De Gaulle, Pope Paul VI, & Adrienne Rich.
We must somehow become less frenetic in activity and more dedicated to reflection. Maybe we should write less and ponder more, travel less and reflect more, say fewer things but better things. There is so little of this in the church today. Joseph Sittler. March 1986
Call Centres. I wonder why companies have these departments at all. By the time you’ve waited for the company to answer the call your anxiety level is through the ceiling. If they would just take 10% of their advertising budget to hire more people to answer calls quicker, their brand would look much better. Gone are the days you could phone a number and it was answered by an actual person. if that happened now, it would be scary.
I find Apple’s Classical service and app excellent. A massive library with excellent search capabilities. Searched “Handel’s Messiah” which returned 512 recordings.
Climate change? This amount melts in one hour.
They are waiting for the Grey Cup.
Looking out my bedroom windowindow yesterday.
Have a writing board, and that is home for this sticker collection. Thx to @ericmwalk
Had a micro.blog problem that was quickly resolved by @manton It feels so good to be on a platform that shows such kindness and generosity.