Gene Blishen


Quickest way to speed up time is to spend it on socisl media.


Whenever decision making occurs far from the physical work, where the bonds of humanity are weakened not only by social distance but by geographical distance as well; where the effects of one’s decisions are not directly observed or felt & the balance sheet tells the only tale they hear. SR Bown


Keep forgetting the usefulness of this platform. Simple, easy, and useful. Happy New Year!


Just got from the library. Looks like a book you just can’t stop reading.

The Woman Back From Moscow by Ha Jin. &10;

Received some micro blog stickers from @jean What a wonderful surprise! Thx.


“The cultural critic Raymond Williams argued that liberal democracy suffered from a peculiar blind spot that valued “educated and participatory democracy” at the national constitutional level while rarely translating that into institutional norms and templates. The 20th century saw a wave of countries embracing democracy as their preferred political model. And yet the system in which most people spend the majority of their time—the world of work—is run according to a different set of rules.”


Wishing financial institutions would spend less money on marketing and more on making their product work well. Trying to pay a bill online and the banking system must be down. Hope it comes back up before the bill is due in a few days.


“For in a way beset with those that contend on one side for too great liberty, and on the other side for too much authority, ’t is hard to pass between the points of both unwounded” Thomas Hobbes

This simple statement from Hobbes discloses something of the dilemma we now live in, 400 years later. Liberty, and the other side, authority, and those of us that pass between somewhat wounded.


Reading John Gray’s “The New Leviathan”. Be warned that you will start digging into Hobbes.


Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope it is a day of peace, rest and reflection.


Christmas Eve. It will be over in a minute.


Only a few days left in Autumn and then longer daylight returns. What will winter bring?

Israeli Local Council Head Calls to 'Flatten Gaza Like Auschwitz Today' in Radio Interview - Israel News -


One wonders to what level will a human being will allow themselves to be in making statements like these,

Israeli Local Council Head Calls to 'Flatten Gaza Like Auschwitz Today' in Radio Interview - Israel News -


Sufjan Stevens has a great new album out. History surrounding it is tough.


“The Greeks would then have built a tomb for him; he would have won fame for his son. But now, the winds have seized him, and he is nameless and unknown. He left nothing but tears for me. I do not weep only for him. The gods have given me so many other troubles.”

Book 1 Telemachus to Athena

Homer: The Odyssey


No other than T.S. Eliot introduced the word ‘bullshit’ into literature.


Some excellent reasons on why to get an ebike.


A very colourful day break.


Currently reading: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman 📚



  A man trades his son for horses. That’s the version I prefer. I like The safety of it, no one at fault, Everyone rewarded. God gets The boy. The boy becomes Immortal. His father rides until Grief sounds as good as the gallop Of an animal born to carry those Who patrol our inherited Kingdom. When we look at myth This way, nobody bothers saying Rape. I mean, don’t you want God To want you? Don’t you dream Of someone with wings taking you Up? And when the master comes For our children, he smells Like the men who own stables In Heaven, that far terrain Between Promise and Apology. No one has to convince us. The people of my country believe We can’t be hurt if we can be bought!

Excerpt from: “The Tradition” by Jericho Brown.



THE religion of Jesus makes the love-ethic central. This is no ordinary achievement. It seems clear that Jesus started out with the simple teaching concerning love embodied in the timeless words of Israel: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might,” and “thy neighbour as thyself.” Once the neighbor is defined, then one’s moral obligation is clear. In a memorable story Jesus defined the neighbor by telling of the Good Samaritan. With sure artistry and great power he depicted what happens when a man responds directly to human need across the barriers of class, race, and condition. Every man is potentially every other man’s neighbor. Neighborliness is nonspatial; it is qualitative. A man must love his neighbor directly, clearly, permitting no barriers between. Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

📌 The choice is not necessarily what we do but what our direct response will be. We will experience empathy for the human need we see. There is an absence of any barrier between us at that moment. But if we do nothing our inaction begins to dictate our differences and that stymies our response. We think in terms of no response as we fear what the difference will mean. __________________________________